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Your 2024 Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

Summer is finally here! Time to dust off the patio furniture, fire up the grill, and transform your outdoor space into a haven for relaxation and entertaining. But before the pool parties and barbecues begin, it's crucial to ensure your home is ready for the season. A well-maintained property not only looks fantastic, but it also functions efficiently and creates a comfortable environment for all.

This comprehensive summer home maintenance checklist will guide you through essential tasks to tackle inside and out. With a little preparation, you can maximize your summer enjoyment and minimize any potential headaches.

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Cultivating Beauty and Functionality with Garden Maintenance Services

Your dream garden isn't a one-time project. It's a living, breathing entity that requires ongoing care and attention to flourish. That's where Rossen Landscape's garden maintenance services come in. We understand the importance of nurturing your outdoor space, not just creating it.

Here, we unveil the ways our experienced team helps you cultivate a thriving garden that brings you joy season after season.

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How to Prepare Your Grounds for Fall & Winter

Landscaping isn’t a pursuit that can be abandoned once the last leaf falls. From leaf removal to the winterization of irrigation systems, lawn prep, and more, your team at Rossen is here to help with all your seasonal yard demands

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Mulch Madness: It's Spring Prep Time!

Old Man Winter is finally releasing his chilly grip on your landscape. As he slowly backs away and those warmer temperatures roll in, you might notice he’s left quite a mark on your property.

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4 Ways to Prevent Soil Erosion

Erosion can wreak havoc on your yard, exposing tree roots, washing away plant beds, altering grading or drainage, and even damaging your home’s foundation.

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The 3 Top 2020-2021 Paver Patio Trends

Dreaming about a new patio to upgrade your outdoor space? Who isn’t these days? Spending time at home and in your own yard has been your escape this past year. So, go ahead, dream up that perfect patio.

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Elevate Your Space: Next Level Landscape Structures

The beauty of landscape structures is they can serve two purposes: aesthetics and functionality. Understanding the differences between landscape structures can help you pick the best one for your landscape’s needs and your lifestyle.

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